Only a phone call or an email away!
We are fully committed to helping you in the fight against outboard theft. If you need any advice about the most appropriate lock from our range to suit your individual requirements, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Unit 3,
Taw Mill Business Park,
Howards Avenue,
North Devon,
EX32 8QA
Tel: +44 (0)1271 370602
9-5 Monday-Thursday
9-1 Friday

Small Slot Lock
We make five models of insurance approved slot lock because our extensive research and development has shown the importance of having the correct size of lock for the outboard motor you have. The Small Slot Lock is designed specifically for Honda and Suzuki 2-3hp.

Atlantic Slot Lock
The Atlantic Slot Lock is our most substantial insurance approved outboard motor lock and is made in four lengths: 170mm, 195mm, 230mm and 260mm; each with a 14mm slot. A high security locking head (HSH) is supplied as is a black dust cap and a rubber liner.

Pacific Bolt Lock
The Pacific Bolt Lock is our original insurance approved lock that now uses the same high security locking head as the Volcano. The Pacific Bolt Lock represents excellent value for money as well as security. A black plastic cover is supplied.

The Volcano
The Volcano Bolt Lock represents the pinnacle of OML’s insurance approved bolt lock development. It is now regarded by many in the industry as the best bolt lock on the market as it has been designed and built to resist removal by the most robust actions.